Zuni Fetishes
The Zuni Pueblo tribe of New Mexico are known for their fine jewellery and also for traditional, miniature animal and bird carvings known as ‘Zuni fetishes’. A Fetish is a ritual object, empowered by ceremony and imbued with spirits. Such power objects, when appropriately honoured are believed to assist in healing, hunting, fertility and protection. Fetishes are found in many cultures throughout the world. Zuni fetishes have their roots in the emergence myths or origin stories of the tribe. A fetish may belong to an individual, a secret society, a clan, or it may belong to the entire tribe. Today many Zuni people make their living carving Zuni fetishes from semi-precious stones, marbles, shells and antlers. These objects are exquisite works of art in their own right. At Rainmaker Gallery we select from the work of celebrated and talented carvers to offer you an excellent choice of Zuni fetishes including Corn Maidens, Bears, Wolves, Eagles, Turtles and Mountain Lions to name but a few. We hope that our enchanting selection of magical animals, birds and figures will delight and inspire you.
Horse carving by Jimmy Yawakia, Zuni
£90.00 -
Pyrite Eagle Craving by Leon Poncho
£55.00 -
Zuni Mouse by Elroy Pablito
£55.00 -
Mouse carved by Ernie Mackel
£55.00 -
Spider Carving by Max Laate, Zuni
£95.00 -
Roadrunner Carved by Max Laate
£75.00 -
Donkey carving by Enrike Leekya
£110.00 -
Rabbit (Okshik’o) by Enrike Leekya
£90.00 -
Owl Carving by Garrick Weeka
£110.00 -
Armadillo Fetish by Ernie Leekya
£175.00 -
Zuni Otter by Jimmy Yawakia
£90.00 -
Zuni Turtle Carving by Mike Coble
£65.00 -
Mountain Lion Fetish by Leland Boone
£85.00 -
Blue Beaver by Jimmy Yawakia
£95.00 -
Mountain lion by Hayes Leekya
£145.00 -
Bear (Anshe) fetish carving by Destry Siutza